Generative AI writes generic emails.

Humantic AI personalizes them.

In One.Single.Click.

Generative AI writes generic emails.

Humantic AI personalizes them.

In One.Single.Click.

A prospect's Humantic AI personality profile including overview of their personality, personalization insights during calling, email writing and deal closing.

With Humantic’s game changing 1-click personalization feature, you can:

  • Write an email and personalize it based on the receiver’s DISC personality.
  • Or better yet, give prompts to the AI and it automatically generates a personalized email with your inputs.
Try it Yourself

(DISC selling is a proven sales methodology used by the best sales teams across the world)

Stay connected

We protect your personal data like our own personal data. Legally and ethically. The only risk: our emails can be witty, you might read them too often. Indicate your communication preferences below. To learn more, please take a look at our privacy policy.